Cảm biến đo độ rung Hansford sensors HS429-050-54-08 Hansford HS-429 Vibration Trip

0944911836 Ms. Duyên 0972835740 Ms. Hà 0385097045 Mr. Hiếu 0905138796 Mr. Ân 0392468875 Ms. Anh
Cảm biến đo độ rung Hansford sensors  HS429-050-54-08  Hansford HS-429 Vibration Trip

Cảm biến đo độ rung Hansford sensors HS429-050-54-08 Hansford HS-429 Vibration Trip

HS-429 Vibration Trip

4-20mA velocity and switch output via M12 Connector

Key Features

• Compact vibration switch

• Retransmit 4-20mA signal

• False trigger delay

• Overload protected


Building services, Pulp and Paper,

Mining, Metals, Utilities, Automotive,

Water, Pharmaceutical

  • HS429-050-54-08 Hansford
  • Liên hệ
  • 122
  • Thông tin sản phẩm
  • Bình luận

Cảm biến đo độ rung Hansford sensors  HS429-050-54-08  Hansford HS-429 Vibration Trip

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