Cột trao đổi Ion Sentry SENTRY Refillable Cation Exchange Resin Columns RC-100 Part No 7-00816B Sentry , RC-101 Part No 7-00816N Sentry

0944911836 Ms. Duyên 0972835740 Ms. Hà 0385097045 Mr. Hiếu 0905138796 Mr. Ân 0392468875 Ms. Anh
Cột trao đổi Ion Sentry SENTRY Refillable Cation Exchange Resin Columns  RC-100 Part No 7-00816B Sentry , RC-101 Part No 7-00816N Sentry

Cột trao đổi Ion Sentry SENTRY Refillable Cation Exchange Resin Columns RC-100 Part No 7-00816B Sentry , RC-101 Part No 7-00816N Sentry

The RC-100 is specially designed to minimize the column's dead volume, assuring highly representative sampling. After a chemical upset, the RC-100 can produce a representative sample within four minutes (at a flow rate of 200 cc/min) while others can take as long as 16 minutes.

In addition to reducing dead volumn, the RC-100 refillable ion exchange column's design also produces better flow distribution. Poor flow distribution and velocity can skew cation conductivity results by up to 0.1 µS/cm

The RC-101 uses the same design but is made of PETG which is resistamt tp high levels of residual ammonia present in the sample or in the atmosphere near the column.


operating temperature 180°F (82°C) maximum

operating pressure 100 psig at 100°F (7 barg at 38°C); 60 psig at 180°F (4 barg at 82°C)

cation capacity 800 grains as CaCO3

resin volume 0.020 ft3 (565 cc)

flow 200 cc/min recommended; 500 cc/min maximum

resin cation resin with color-indicating dye

weight column + resin: 2.4 lb (1.1 kg)

wetted materials RC-100: polycarbonate, polypropylene, acetal

RC-101: PETG, polypropylene, acetal
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Cột trao đổi Ion Sentry SENTRY Refillable Cation Exchange Resin Columns  RC-100 Part No 7-00816B Sentry , RC-101 Part No 7-00816N Sentry

  • The RC-100 is specially designed to minimize the column's dead volume, assuring highly representative sampling. After a chemical upset, the RC-100 can produce a representative sample within four minutes (at a flow rate of 200 cc/min) while others can take as long as 16 minutes.
  • In addition to reducing dead volumn, the RC-100 refillable ion exchange column's design also produces better flow distribution. Poor flow distribution and velocity can skew cation conductivity results by up to 0.1 µS/cm
  • The RC-101 uses the same design but is made of PETG which is resistamt tp high levels of residual ammonia present in the sample or in the atmosphere near the column.

RC-100 resin column with initial change of resin, mounting brackets, and two sets of quick disconnects 7-00816B Sentry
RC-101 resin column with initial change of resin, mounting brackets, and two sets of quick disconnects 7-00816N Sentry
cation resin refill bag 2-03972A Sentry
corrosion-proof quick disconnect mounting bracket 4--04869A Sentry
porous disk 2-03892A Sentry
O-ring seal 4-04820C Sentry
acetal barbed quick disconnects (includes two each male and female coupling) 6-02503B Sentry

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